The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) Field Office Caraga planted a total of 3,133 Mangrove Propagules since November 2019, in its adopted Mangrove Area in Baragay Abilan, Buenavista, Agusan del Norte.
One of the initiatives of the Department is to strengthen community advocacy towards the preservation and protection of the environment and natural resources. This is to affirm the commitment that the programs of the government are geared towards prompt action on the negative impacts of climate change widely affecting the lives of many communities all over the world.

Last November 26, 2019, DSWD Field Office Caraga conducted the first joint mangrove tree planting together with the residents of Barangay Abilan. This was done in partnership with the Barangay Local Government Unit (BLGU) of Abilan, the Buenavista Municipal Environment and Natural Resources Office (MENRO) Buenavista, and the Department of Environment and Natural Resources –Caraga (DENR-Caraga). A total of 833 mangrove propagules were planted in the adopted area.

On December 20, 2019, DSWD FO Caraga celebrated the spirit of Christmas through planting a total of 1500 mangrove propagules in its adopted area. This was the second time the field office conducted such activity. This is part of rehabilitation process of the mangrove area in the said barangay, which the Field Office has committed to doing.

In this site, the Field Office, together with DENR, the BLGU of Barangay Abilan and MENRO Buenavista conducted its 3rd joint mangrove tree growing activity with a total of 800 mangrove propagules last February 21, 2020, as part of the 69th Anniversary Celebration of the agency.
Through the initiative, DSWD did not only focus on Disaster Response but also took the challenge to implement projects to mitigate and adapt to Climate Change thru Risk Resiliency Program- Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation. This has inspired DSWD Field Office Caraga to step up its commitment with Disaster Mitigation and continued its advocacy through implementing several Mangrove tree planting and eventually growing, and adopting a hectare of Mangrove area to rehabilitate.