The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) shows its full confidence and support to the national government’s vaccination program to combat the COVID-19.

In the recently concluded Explain Explain Explain Roadshow of the Presidential Communications Operations Office (PCOO) for its Caraga Region Leg (February 9-11, 2021), the DSWD EXPLAINED to the participants the importance of the vaccination to bring back life in the country to normalcy.
Secretary Martin Andanar of the PCOO presented the government’s plans for the vaccination program, stating that it is the priority of the Duterte Administration as of the moment.
“We are here because it is the duty of this government to ensure the safety of the people. We would like to engage with the different stakeholders to get their support for the government’s vaccination program,” Andanar said.
USEC. Ramon Cualoping III, Director General of the Philippine Information Agency, stated that the government has faced initial setbacks in its vaccination program, stating that the spread of fake news and misinformation has caused people to doubt the program.

“As of the moment, nasa 47% lang po ang willing magpaturok (47% of the populace is willing to get vaccinated), according to the latest survey. This is due to the false information circulating about the vaccine program of the government. This is why we are here to EXPLAIN EXPLAIN EXPLAIN to you so that you will be properly informed, together with the other agencies of government,” Cualoping said.
As for DSWD, Secretary Rolando Joselito Bautista has initially issued an official statement giving full support to the vaccination program. “Kaisa ang DSWD ng Task Force on Vaccination Program sa pagsusulong ng pamahalaan na maprotektahan ang mga Filipino laban sa COVID-19 (DSWD is one with the Task Force on Vaccination Program in advocating for the government’s drive to protect the Filipinos against the COVID-19),” Bautista said in a prior statement.
Director Irene B. Dumlao of the DSWD Social Marketing Service (official spokesperson of DSWD) was on hand to EXPLAIN the part and the commitment of DSWD in the campaign. Speaking during the Butuan City (Agusan del Norte), Prosperidad (Agusan del Sur), Lanuza (Surigao del Sur), and Sison (Surigao del Norte) legs of the roadshow, Dumlao assured the public that DSWD is fully supporting the program, especially that those being served by the Agency through its programs and services – the poor, marginalized, and disadvantaged – are among the priority for the vaccination program.
“We support the vaccination program of the government. In fact, we will ensure the vaccination of our workers. This is to ensure that we will post no threat to the public, especially in delivering our services and implementing our programs,” Dumlao said.

Dir. Dumlao also presented DSWD Caraga’s accomplishments for the Bayanihan 1 and 2, the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps), Social Pension for Indigent Senior Citizen Program (SocPen), and the updates on the Listahanan 3rd Round Household Assessment.
“DSWD has continued to implement the different programs and services amidst the pandemic. Our programs are very critical, especially this time that is why we will not cease to serve,” Dumlao explained.
“Yung mga benepisyaryo ng mga programa namin (our beneficiaries of our programs) are also those identified to be prioritized for the vaccination program. The indigent seniors, our Pantawid Pamilya beneficiaries – there is even a consideration that the Listahanan Database will be utilized to identify those who should be prioritized sa pagbabakuna (for the vaccination),” Dumlao added.
Also on hand during the roadshow are representatives from the Department of Health (DOH), the Department of Agriculture (DA), and the different Provincial and City/Municipal Local Government Unit (LGU) officials.

DSWD, the DOH, the DA, and the LGUs also extended aid to the victims of Tropical Depression Vicky by providing family food packs, sanitary kits, and vegetable/fruit seedlings to identified families and individuals.
DSWD will continue to work with the PCOO, PIA, and the Task Force on Vaccination Program, especially in providing accurate, and reliable information about the government’s vaccination program. This way, the said program will be able to achieve the targeted herd immunity, or safe population immunity of 70% and more to ensure that the program will be successful.
As of the moment, DSWD Field Office Caraga will continue to monitor the vaccination program, and will await instructions, especially once the vaccination program will be in full swing. While awaiting, the Field Office will continue to implement its programs and services, and continue to advocate for the minimum health standards, and ensure that the public’s health is upheld all the time in whatever endeavor the Agency has.