The Association of DSWD Social Workers, Inc (ADSWI) – Caraga, in partnership with RIACAT-VAWC, RCWC, RCPWG, RIAC-FF Caraga and Regional Joint GBV-CP Coordination Working Group, spearheads a 3-day Gender-based Violence (GBV) Case Management Training beginning March 22 to 24, 2023 at Almont Beach Resort, Surigao City.
Forty (40) social workers from the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) Field Office Caraga, who are highly engaged in GBV responses and GBV Case Management, are participating in the activity, and if they successfully complete the required sessions, will earn a total of 23 Continuing Professional Development (CPD) points from the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC).
The activity is pegged as part of the celebration for the 2023 World Social Work Month with the theme: Respecting Diversity Through Joint Social Action. It is also part of the implementation on key items from the recalibrated action plan of the Regional Joint GBV-CP Coordination Working Group in Caraga.

Training contents include GBV Basic concepts, Power Relationships, GBV Causes, Context and Consequences, Attitudes and Perceptions, Theoretical Foundation for a survivor-centered approach, guiding principles, roles and responsibilities, communication skills and, GBV Case Management Step/Process.
At the end of the three (3) day training, participants are expected to conduct or supervise the practice of coming up with comprehensive social case management of beneficiaries who are victims of Gender-based Violence based on the prescribed process and using appropriate tools for analysis in their respective areas of assignment.
Specifically, they would have the opportunity to 1) Clarify their roles as case managers in the context of GBV cases, 2) Review the case management process having GBV as a context, 3) Demonstrate how to use the different assessment tools in social case management, and 4) Demonstrate skills in preparing social case study report.
Part of the objectives are also aiming at developing a regional Database of GBV case managers who can be pooled whenever cases arise and formulation of re-entry action plan/s of the participants.
###(Social Marketing Section/DSWD Field Office Caraga).