To cope with the advancement of the Sustainable Livelihood Program (SLP) of the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD), specifically in its monitoring and evaluation aspect through the utilization of data processing tools that are free and accessible online, the monitoring and evaluation officers of the Program attended the rollout training on the SLP Information Systems at the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart, Butuan City on November 20-21, 2023.
On top of scaling up the skills and knowledge of the officers in data processing, the training is also a measure to help them adapt to the new program guidelines of SLP as stipulated in Memorandum Circular 07, series of 2023 or the “New and Enhanced Implementing Guidelines of the Sustainable Livelihood Program.”

Newly hired encoders also joined the monitoring and evaluation officers in the said training. These encoders will assist the officers in inputting the necessary data and tools related to the program operations.
Further, the Program hopes this activity will make monitoring and evaluation more efficient, accurate, and organized.
SLP is a capability-building program of the Department that aims to uplift the living conditions of the poor, vulnerable, and disadvantaged households and communities by providing them with thriving livelihoods that will impact their socio-economic well-being. (Social Marketing Section/DSWD Field Office Caraga)