Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) Field Office (FO) Caraga – Social Pension for Indigent Senior Citizens Program (SocPen) conducts a Program Implementation Review (PIR) for the year 2023 at Go Hotels, Butuan City – November 21- 22, 2023.
Partners from the Local Social Welfare and Development Office (LSWDO) from the different Local Government Units (LGU) in Caraga Region attended the said activity, which also served as a venue for the LSWDOs to raise their issues and concerns.

Assistant Regional Director for Operations (ARDO) Jean Paul S. Parajes with high spirits shared that the program will remain in DSWD in 2024 as the transition to the National Commission of Senior Citizens (NCSC) is still ongoing.

Moreover, to express the Agency’s respect and gratitude, the PIR’s highlight is the acknowledgement and recognition to the top-performing LGUs throughout the year.
Furthemore, Regional Social Pension Unit (RSPU) Focal Person Rachel B. Bade thanked partners for the continued support throughout the years and emphasized the significance of their role in the success of DSWD FO Caraga’s Social Pension for Indigent Senior Citizen’s Program against national targets.

PIR is conducted to review the processes of program implementation, evaluate the gaps that arose in implementing the program that cause poor performance and review the roles and responsibilities of partners and the Agency in line with the process of implementation.