“As a PWD, this is a big help for me and my family. I work as a caretaker of an establishment, but my salary is very limited – it is insufficient for my needs and those of my siblings. It is hard since I am the only one working. I do have a brother. but he also has polio (so he is dependent). The assistance from AKAP is a blessing since it will help us buy our needs”.

This was the heartfelt message of Ricardo Salva, a resident of Nasipit, Agusan del Norte after receiving Php3,000 cash assistance through the Ayuda sa Kapos ang Kita Program (AKAP) on May 18, 2024 at the Agusan del Norte Gym, Butuan City.

According to Ricardo, he was qualified for the program since he is a minimum wage earner, working as an establishment caretaker in Carmen, Agusan del Norte. Despite being a Person With Disability or PWD (Orthopedic Disability due to POLIO), he tries to make ends meet by working diligently, never making up excuses about his condition.

There are 4 of them living together (3 siblings), unfortunately, he is the only one who was blessed to land a job since his brother also suffers from polio and is having a hard time finding work. Aside from his brother, his 2 other siblings are still looking for work that is why Ricardo stands as sole breadwinner of the family.

After the confirmation that he qualified for AKAP, Ricardo was elated – he never thought that he would ever qualify for any assistance from the government. In fact, he said that this was the first time he has ever received any assistance from DSWD. After receiving the cash assistance, he thanked DSWD and the National Government for having a program that would address the needs of low income earners like him.

“Salamat kaayo sa gobyerno sa tabang. Ako kini ipalit sa among pang kosumo, labi na bugas ug pang sud-an. Dako na kaayo ni nga tabang (Thank you to the government for the assistance. I will use the money to buy rice and other food. This is really a great help),” Ricardo shared.

The Ayuda sa Kapos ang Kita Program (AKAP) aims to protect minimum wage earners from the effects of inflation that tend to erode their buying power.

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