The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) Field Office Caraga awards Php 100,000.00 to Lola Froilana Sabas Perez, 108 years old, from Prosperidad, Agusan del Sur last May 2, 2024.   Moreover, Lola Froilana received a Certificate of Recognition from the Field Office and a Letter of Felicitation from the President of the Republic continue reading : A PROUD MANOBO TURNS 108 YEARS OLD, RECEIVES 100K FROM DSWD CARAGA

LAWA at Binhi urge project recipients to utilize Listahanan database

The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) Field Office Caraga is encouraging the Local Government Units (LGUs) that are recipients of LAWA at Binhi (Local Adaptation to Water Access and Breaking Insufficiency through Nutritious Harvest for the Impoverished) to have access to Listahanan 3 database. The Listahanan 3 database is a comprehensive list that continue reading : LAWA at Binhi urge project recipients to utilize Listahanan database

DSWD, PLGU SDN, partners finalizing plans for reintegration of former SBSI members

The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) Field Office Caraga, headed by Regional Director Mari-Flor Dollaga, attended the Convergence Meeting spearheaded by the Provincial Local Government Unit of Surigao del Norte, on April 17, 2024, to tackle the commencement of the reintegration and relocation initiatives for the members of the Socorro Bayanihan Services, Inc. continue reading : DSWD, PLGU SDN, partners finalizing plans for reintegration of former SBSI members

DSWD Caraga Social Pension Unit conducts Technical Sharing Session Cum Orientation on the Implementation of Republic Act 11916

The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) Field Office Caraga, through its Regional Social Pension Unit (RSPU), conducted a Technical Sharing Session Cum Orientation on the Implementation of Republic Act 11916, known as “An Act Increasing the Social Pension of Senior Citizens.” The event aimed to ensure the smooth rollout of the law’s provisions, continue reading : DSWD Caraga Social Pension Unit conducts Technical Sharing Session Cum Orientation on the Implementation of Republic Act 11916

LGU Burgos, SdN is now a Listahanan 3 user

BURGOS, SIARGAO ISLAND- The Local Government Unit of Burgos, Surigao del Norte, led by Mayor Angie Arcena and Municipal Social Welfare and Development Officer (MSWDO) Raquel Lerona, has formally adopted the Listahanan 3 database from the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) Field Office Caraga. The turnover ceremony and installation of database were spearheaded continue reading : LGU Burgos, SdN is now a Listahanan 3 user

DSWD, UNICEF, Oxfam hold workshop strengthening RA11596 implementation through building of Child Protection System Model

The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) Field Office Caraga hosts a consultation workshop to facilitate the model-building of a Child-Protection Systems Strengthening (CPSS) for Child Early and Forced Marriage and Unions (CEFMU) at the Tavern Hotel, Surigao City on April 23-26, 2024. The activity, which is spearheaded by the Social Technology Bureau of continue reading : DSWD, UNICEF, Oxfam hold workshop strengthening RA11596 implementation through building of Child Protection System Model