Butuan City – The database of poor families as maintained and managed by the Listahanan implemented by the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) goes on air from March 11 to March 27, 2014.

This is for pooling of applicants for the forth coming conduct of the 2nd round household assessment. Listahanan is looking for competent individuals to fill in the positions.



Employment Period


41 Area Coordinators

P 21,000.00/month for three (3)months

3 months

  • College graduate
  • Experience in conflict resolution/mediation work
  • Supervisory experience

206 Area Supervisors

P 19,000.00/  month for two (2) months

2 months

  • College graduate
  • Experience in conflict resolution/mediation work
  • Supervisory experience

1,030 Enumerators

P 14,400.00/month for one (1) month

  1 month

  • At least two(2) years in college
  • Good interviewing and communication skills
  • Legible in writing
  • Resident of Municipality where s/he will be assigned

206 Encoders

Per output basis

1 month

  • At least two (2) years in college
  • Encoding speed of at least 40 words per minute

206 Verifiers

Per output basis

1 month


  • At least two (2) years in college

Additional Qualifications:

  • Can work under minimum supervision and under time pressure with accuracy
  • Has a good interpersonal relations
  • Willing to travel and a team player
  • Must have initiative to learn and contribute to the success of the project


  • Transcript of Records
  • Resume or Bio-data
  • Application letter

HURRY!!! Come and submit your application letter at the Personnel Section of DSWD Caraga, Capitol Site, Butuan City or you may call at 342-5619 loc. 203 or Email: caraga.nhtspr@gmail.com. Deadline for submission of applications will be on March 27, 2014.

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