The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) Field Office Caraga was able to hit its target in providing assistance to individuals under distress or in crisis situation for 2019. DSWD, through the Assistance to Individuals in Crisis Situation (AICS), a frontline service under the Crisis Intervention Unit (CIU) of the Protective Services Division (PSD), was able to hit its target of clients served.
For calendar year 2019, CIU has served a total of 54,555 clients. This shows that there is an increase of 125% from the 2018 accomplishment with 24,268 clients served. A total of Php 251,881,594.30 was granted to the clients for the year.
CIU is the lead unit in implementing Assistance to Individuals in Crisis Situation (AICS) and Assistance to Families and Communities in Need (AFCN). AICS and AFCN are considered the social safety net mechanism of the government to assist families who are confronted with crisis situation and financial deficiencies.
Through the AICS and AFCN, clients who are in a crisis situation are able to access funds for medical, burial, transportation, and education assistance. Clients applying for the said service are assessed by DSWD social workers, who review their case, and determine the assistance appropriate for their needs.
CIU has been rated Very Satisfactory by their clients through the Satisfaction Survey provided by the field office.
The AICS and AFCN contributes to the attainment of one of the five Organizational Outcomes of DSWD, which is: Rights of the poor and the vulnerable sectors promoted and protected.
DSWD Caraga hopes to continue its excellent service in 2020, especially the programs and services under the Protective Services Division, especially that these programs and services are very critical in the survival of poor, marginalized, and disadvantaged individuals, families, and communities.