DSWD Field Office Caraga bags major awards during the National Paglaray Awards Recognition Rites held during the annual DSWD Knowledge Fair at DSWD Academy, Taguig City, Metro Manila.
DSWD Paglaray Awards recognizes the valuable contributions and persistent efforts of the Social Welfare and Development Laws Monitoring Teams and Local Social Welfare and Development Offices in the monitoring of SWD Laws for CY 2022.
The Awards and Recognition aims to strengthen the commitments of the DSWD Field Offices and LGUs in supporting and promoting the monitoring of SWD Laws at the regional and local level. “Paglaray” is a Bisayan and Cebuano term which means alignment.
As a context, DSWD Central Office’s Policy and External Affairs Division (PEAD) of the Policy Development and Planning Bureau (PDPB) leads the conduct of LGU Localization of Social Welfare and Development Laws Monitoring which aims to monitor and assess how the national SWD policies per sector are operationalized by the Local Government Units (LGUs) to guarantee alignment and compliance to international and national commitments at the regional and local levels.
The annual monitoring activity is the agency’s strategic response to the mandates it received from the Executive Order No. 15 series of 1998, “Redirecting the Functions and Operations of the Department of Social Welfare and Development”.
Of the 16 regions and out of the 4 major award categories (special citations included), FO Caraga got all the major awards as follows:
- Good Practice Award (FO level)
- Most Comprehensive SWD Laws Monitoring Report (FO level)
- Most Active Field Office
- Best Focal Person in SWD Laws Monitoring – Mr. Raffy C. Vigil, Social Welfare Officer IV

On the other hand, most of the LGUs in Caraga, nominated and endorsed by the Field Office to the National level for the different categories of Paglaray Awards (LGU level), are also declared National winners, while others were shortlisted, to wit:
National Awardees:
– SWD Laws Prime Mover (City level) – Butuan City
– Most Comprehensive Report (City level) – Butuan City
– SWD Laws Monitoring Champion – Butuan CSWDO Ms. Golda Pocon, RSW, MSSW, CESE
– Most Active PSWDO – Surigao Del Sur
– Most Comprehensive Report (Provincial Level) – Agusan del Norte
– Most Comprehensive Report (Municipal Level) – Municipality of Marihatag, SDS

– Good Practice (City level) – Butuan City
– Good Practice (Municipal Level) – LGU Claver, SDN
– Good Practice (Provincial Level) – Agusan Del Norte
– SWD Laws Prime Mover (Municipal Level) – LGU Prosperidad, ADS
– SWD Laws Prime Mover (Provincial Level) – Surigao Del Norte
DSWD FO Caraga is truly humbled and honored altogether to be given these awards. This does not only affirm the FO’s strong commitment to perform and deliver its share in realizing the main objectives of the SWD Laws Localization Monitoring but also celebrate all the effort being exerted among FO’s workforce and partner LGUs who truly worked tirelessly and exuded exemplary commitment participating in the annual activity.
DSWD Caraga will remain steadfast on its resolve to adhere to quality standards in assisting its Partner-LGUs along with SWD Laws localization, still all within the bounds of promoting the welfare and protecting the rights of every Caraganon in this part of the country. (Credits: Raffy C. Vigil – Social Welfare Officer IV)