To equip its program implementers in the cascading of its ProtecTEEN Program, the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) Field Office Caraga conducted an orientation training at the Almont Beach Resort, Lipata, Surigao City, for its delegated Social Workers and Psychometricians who will form part of the team who will carry out the Field Office’s latest project.

The ProtecTEEN Program was developed to provide psychosocial support and other interventions for Adolescent Mothers and their families. This was included in the Agency’s Social Technology Agenda to safeguard and enhance psychosocial well-being, as well as to increase adolescent parents’ capacity to perform their expected duties as young people and responsibilities as parents of children.

Through the program, beneficiaries receive appropriate interventions such as family healing sessions, family case management, educational support, employment assistance, livelihood assistance, capability-building, and referrals to other LGUs and NGOs. Since psychosocial interventions and family case management are a key component to the implementation, the conduct of the said orientation training is deemed pivotal to ensure that the Field Office implementation team is equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to provide such services.

Generally, the conduct of the orientation training, held on August 12-16, 2024, aims to formally prepare program implementers for the upcoming regionwide implementation of the Social Protection Program for Adolescent Mothers and their Children (SPPAMC) by the Department through the ProtecTEEN Project.


As of the moment, the municipality of Socorro, Surigao del Norte has been identified as the pilot area for Caraga. With the implementation team now ready, the Field Office will be preparing for the engagement with the other targeted LGUs for future implementations.

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