Being a mother of eight has never been easy for Teofila Pacot, a Pamtawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) grantee. Like every expectant parent, the dream of a complete family was what one prays and dreams of. But for Teofila, her little heaven on earth came crashing down when her husband left her and their children continue reading : A DREAMER’S JOURNEY


“Graduation to sa akong anak sa college, samtang nakita nako akong anak nga nipaso sa stage ug nidawat sa iyang diploma, grabi kaayo ang akong kalipay. Nakahuna-huna dayon ko, unsa kaha kung ako or kami sa akong bana makadawat pud og diploma, malipay ba kaha sad among mga anak (I was overjoyed when I saw continue reading : AGE IS JUST A NUMBER

Bittersweet homecoming

Homecomings are one of those very special moments that could happen to someone’s life. It is when after many years of wanderings, adventures, and of being away, you finally return to where you began. Many have experienced this joyous occasion, others haven’t, and to some is but bittersweet. During the height of COVID-19 pandemic in continue reading : Bittersweet homecoming