DSWD FO Caraga conducts Logistics Management Training to LDRRMOs

  The Department of Social Welfare and Development Field Office Caraga conducted the Learning Development Intervention on Logistics Management for the Local Disaster Risk Reduction Management Officers at Inland Hotel, Butuan City last February 11, 2020.   DSWD, as the lead agency for the Response Pillar for Disaster, ensures that the response of the Philippine continue reading : DSWD FO Caraga conducts Logistics Management Training to LDRRMOs

DSWD FO Caraga shares DROMIC System to LGU Basilisa, PDI

Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) Field Office Caraga conducts orientation and installation of Disaster Response Reporting and Management Information Systems (DROMIC Systems) to the Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction Management Office (MDRRMO) and Municipal Social Welfare and Development Office (MSWDO) of Basilisa, Province of Dinagat Islands last, February 11, 2020.   The two systems continue reading : DSWD FO Caraga shares DROMIC System to LGU Basilisa, PDI

Perseverance and hard work pays off for National Gawad Huwaran Runner-Up

Ms. Glezza Tambaba-Ty has been with the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) for over 13 years now. In that span of time, she was able to rise from the ranks, working her way from being a field staff of the Kalahi-CIDSS program, to being the section head of the Capacity Building Section (CBS) continue reading : Perseverance and hard work pays off for National Gawad Huwaran Runner-Up

DSWD FO Caraga Top Management Capacitated on Incident Command System

  The Department of Social Welfare and Development Field Office Caraga conducted the Incident Command System Executive Course for its heads of offices at the Grand Palace Hotel, Butuan City, last January 21, 2020.   The course aims to impart knowledge, skills and develop positive attitude in the application of the general concepts and principles continue reading : DSWD FO Caraga Top Management Capacitated on Incident Command System

DSWD FO Caraga Rehabilitates Adopted Mangrove Area

The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) Field Office Caraga celebrates the spirit of Christmas through a mangrove tree planting activity in its adopted area in Barangay Abilan, Buenavista, Agusan del Norte, on December 20. DSWD Caraga staff, headed by Regional Director Mita Chuchi Gupana-Lim, planted a total of 1,500 propagules. Last November 26, continue reading : DSWD FO Caraga Rehabilitates Adopted Mangrove Area

Barangay Chairperson Responds to Call for Climate Change Adaptation

Agusan river is considered as the third largest river basin in the Philippines. Traversing the municipalities of Agusan del Sur and Agusan del Norte, including Butuan City, it has been a blessing to people of the region. Butuan City has had a history of being flooded by the waters of Agusan River. The areas surrounding continue reading : Barangay Chairperson Responds to Call for Climate Change Adaptation