Child-Friendly LGUs recognized in 27th National Children’s Month Celebration

“Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it” (Prov. 22:6) DSWD Field Office Caraga spearheaded the 27th National Children’s Month Celebration in partnership with the Council for the Welfare of Children and the National Youth Commission, on November 5, 2019 at Dottie’s Place, continue reading : Child-Friendly LGUs recognized in 27th National Children’s Month Celebration

No Deal with the Tobacco Industry

DSWD Issuances No Smoking Within DSWD Premises Guidelines on the Adoption and Implementation of Policies on Tobacco Control and Protection Against Tobacoo Industry Interference in the DSWD.  

Barangay Chairperson Responds to Call for Climate Change Adaptation

Agusan river is considered as the third largest river basin in the Philippines. Traversing the municipalities of Agusan del Sur and Agusan del Norte, including Butuan City, it has been a blessing to people of the region. Butuan City has had a history of being flooded by the waters of Agusan River. The areas surrounding continue reading : Barangay Chairperson Responds to Call for Climate Change Adaptation

Disaster Mitigation advocates empower residents in Carpenito, Tagbina

Located in the far-flung part of Tagbina, Surigao del Sur lies the Barangay of Carpenito. A community home of more than 1,306 (PSA, 2015) residents. The Barangay is headed by the 28-year-old Barangay Chairperson Rose Niña Juan, the third generation from their family to be elected to the seat. Barangay Carpenito lies along the side continue reading : Disaster Mitigation advocates empower residents in Carpenito, Tagbina

DSWD FO Caraga Home for Girls celebrates its 22nd anniversary

DSWD Field Office Caraga commemorates the twenty-second anniversary of Home For Girls on November 11, 2019 at Brgy. Bonbon, Butuan City. The said celebration was attended by the former and currently employed social workers, house parents, center staff, and former residents of the center. Jessie Catherine B. Aranas, OIC-Protective Services Division chief also attended and continue reading : DSWD FO Caraga Home for Girls celebrates its 22nd anniversary