Social Pension Info System – National PRAISE Innovation Awardee

  The Social Pension Information System (SPInS) of the Department of Social Welfare and Development(DSWD) Field Office Caraga, which is the current Social Pension for Indigent Senior Citizens Program (SPISC) database system, bagged the 2 nd place Best Knowledge Management Initiative during the 2021 DSWD PRAISE National Awards via virtual podium on January 21, 2022. continue reading : Social Pension Info System – National PRAISE Innovation Awardee

Food and Financial Assistance provided to Physically-Challenged SC

  To ensure elder persons are not left behind in the response to the threat brought by the pandemic, the Social Pension for Indigent Senior Citizens Program (SPISC) continually assess the immediate needs of its beneficiaries, and provide appropriate interventions. With this, the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) FO Caraga in collaboration with continue reading : Food and Financial Assistance provided to Physically-Challenged SC

DSWD reiterates SPISC guidelines, stress preventive measures on elderly abuse

In support to the month-long Elderly Filipino Week celebration, the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) Field Office Caraga served as Resource Persons during the Senior Citizens Day Celebration of the Local Government Units of San Agustin and Tago, Surigao Del Sur, through their Municipal Social Welfare and Development Offices, on October 29, 2021 continue reading : DSWD reiterates SPISC guidelines, stress preventive measures on elderly abuse

SocPen PIR: Highlighting excellent Field Office performance

To avoid missing out on the program targets, the Social Pension for Indigent Senior Citizens Program of the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) Field Office Caraga conducted a series of provincial Program Implementation Reviews (PIR) for the C.Y 2021. The decade-long program implementation has been fortified with the conduct of the PIR, through continue reading : SocPen PIR: Highlighting excellent Field Office performance

DSWD Caraga determined on timely delivery of Social Pension amid pandemic

Over 58, 000 indigent senior citizen beneficiaries in the provinces of Agusan Del Sur, Agusan Del Norte and Surigao Del Sur received social pension for the second semester of 2021 from the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) through its Social Pension for Indigent Senior Citizens Program (SPISC). Here is the breakdown of the continue reading : DSWD Caraga determined on timely delivery of Social Pension amid pandemic

DSWD conducts virtual program re-orientation for paymasters

In the pursuit of timely and quality facilitation in serving the indigent senior citizens of Caraga Region, the Social Pension Program Management Office (SPPMO) of the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) Field Office Caraga, conducted its 2nd Semester Paymaster’s re-orientation via Google Meet last Friday, Septe mber 17, 2021. Paymasters considered as frontlines continue reading : DSWD conducts virtual program re-orientation for paymasters