Sitting under a waiting shed a few meters from the shore, an old man watched from a distance as an outrigger boat slowly approached the island where he lived. He was not expecting a guest on their humble abode that day. Romeo Caunsad Sr., 65, squinted as he watched the boatman carefully maneuvered the twin-engined continue reading : Ray of hope for fading hopefuls
The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) Central Office commended DSWD Field Office (FO) Caraga for being the only field office in the country to serve 100% of its target beneficiaries for Social Pension Program for Indigent Senior Citizens in 2019. FO Caraga received the commendation last January 17, 2020, during the consultation continue reading : DSWD Caraga commended for Social Pension achievement in 2019
The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) Field Office Caraga ended 2019 with flying colors as it was able to surpass expectations, especially in hitting its targets for its programs and services for the year. One of its programs, the Social Pension Program for Indigent Senior Citizens (SocPen) was able to serve 140,000 senior continue reading : DSWD Field Office Caraga hits Social Pension 2019 target
“All of life is peaks and valleys. Don’t let the peaks get too high and the valleys too low.” John Wooden Sitio Tabon-tabon of barangay Mahagsay in the municipality of San Luis, Agusan del Sur is known to be a place where the birds called Tabon or Philippine Egret lay eggs. The local residing in continue reading : A Life of Contentment, a Life Well Spent
Beneficiaries of the Social Pension for Indigent Senior Citizens Program (SocPen) who haven’t claimed their stipends still have a chance to get their pension. The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) Field Office Caraga is currently conducting special payouts for SocPen beneficiaries who have unclaimed pensions for the first and second semesters. Juvy P. continue reading : DSWD schedules payout for unclaimed SocPen grants
The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) Field Office Caraga have completed the first semestral payout for beneficiaries of the Social Pension for Indigent Senior Citizens Program. DSWD Caraga completed the first semestral payout in 73 local government units in the region last August 2, despite the delay of release of stipend due to continue reading : DSWD Caraga completes 1st semestral payout for Social Pension beneficiaries
Finding the right person is not always an easy thing to do; sometimes you have to chart unfamiliar territory, brave mountains, cross raging seas and rivers, and endure long treks and bad weather. These challenges hold true to workers of the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) in Caraga, who literally went an extra continue reading : Overcoming challenges to find the ‘right ones’
Cited as one of the best field offices in the country when it comes to management of social pension, the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD)-Caraga was selected by the World Bank as one of its subjects of study on the Social Pension for Indigent Senior Citizens Program (SocPen) implementation. The World Bank commissioned continue reading : World Bank evaluates DSWD-Caraga’s social pension management